Tag Archives: Argo

A List of ALL the Movies From The Past Year I Never Reviewed Before And Am Doing Now.

The best films of this year were very diverse in nature. A musical, a terrorist flick, a surreal journey to the real or unreal world of New Orleans, a comedy about two crazy people and a blackploitation revenge movie (among others). 

Django was, by far, the most entertaining. Les Mis was better than I thought (for a man who hates muscials). Safety Not Guaranteed was the best surprise. Argo was great. Silver Linings Playbook made me not hate Bradley Cooper as much and Beasts of the Southern Wild was most transporting I’ve ever seen. 

I don’t feel as if I anything to say about the films that hasn’t been said before, but there were some great moments. 

Favorite moments:

Rick Ross song in Django. Also, Jamie Foxx dressing himself. 

Bradley Cooper reading A Farewell to Arms.

The beautiful message of grace and forgiveness in Les Mis. 

Argo f$%# yourself. 

John Goodman in Flight

Basically all of Beasts of the Southern Wild. 

Anne Hathaway

Supposedly Life of Pi (haven’t seen it). 

Daniel Day-Lewis, as always

“I think we can all agree the masks we’re a great idea.”




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